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From the Founder

As a developer myself, I empathize with new devs who are overwhelmed with so much information when they walk into the scene, at which point they're clueless as to what they should be doing next. I wanted to create a space where we can walk with people through these experiences and not only make them stronger technically, but help them build a personality that makes them ideal employees for companies throughout their career.

~ Sreekesh Iyer

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I can only thank Sreekesh for the guidance and mentorship I've received from him. The best part about him is that he's only one ping away and always ready to help. Looking forward to more of his sessions on Development, DevOps, etc.

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Doulat Lalwani
Developer, Student

Sreekesh has been extremely helpful and has provided me with valuable advice. Whenever I had errors or difficulties that I could not solve, he would come in and solve my problems or give me some insights right away. I can't thank him enough for all he's done to help the community and its members grow.

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Sarvesh Patil
Full Stack Developer Intern, Proctohubs

Sreekesh has commendably helped me time and again in my programming projects. He has tremendous knowledge of the IT world and has rightly put it to use in various contexts that have been of extreme help to me in my career. He has always given me the right advice in terms of online courses or websites which have helped me hone my technical skills.

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Shruti Iyer
Data Analyst, Johnson Controls

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